What is Collagen Loading?

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body.
It’s made up of amino-acids: glycine, proline, hydroxyproline, and arginine.

Your skin, hair, nails, gut lining, tendons, bones, disks… all made up of primary collagen.
There’s actually more collagen in your bones than calcium.

Where can you get collagen from?

  • Fish Skins
  • Chicken Skins
  • Egg Membrane
  • Beef Bones
  • Bone Broth

With almost 30% of the protein in your body being collagen protein, you’d think that we’d be consuming collagen on a regular basis.

The majority of people have NO intake of collagen in their diet, whereas our ancient ancestors used to consume collagen EVERY DAY.

99% of people are actually DEFICIENT in collagen.  That means they need to build up their collagen levels through their diet and supplementation.

To do this, you can “Collagen Load” or increase your collagen levels for a short period of time.

Just add 3 servings of collagen per day for 2-3 weeks.
After this period of time, you can go back to the recommended daily dose, one serving per day (especially during the winter when our immune systems need a boost).

After collagen loading, you’ll see your gut and digestive health improve. You’ll notice thicker nails, stronger joints, and an improved immune system after about 10 days.

The biggest digestive benefit of consuming more collagen is that it helps form connective tissue and therefore “seals and heals” the protective lining of the GI tract.

Think of ingesting collagen like greasing a creaky door hinge: It helps your joints move more easily, reduces pain often associated with aging and even reduces the risk of joint deterioration.

Some collagens act as protective coverings for delicate organs in the body, such as the kidneys.

With age, the body produces less collagen. The structural integrity of the skin declines. Wrinkles form, and joint cartilage weakens.

Women experience a dramatic reduction in collagen synthesis after menopause.  By the age of 60 years, a considerable decline in collagen production is normal.

How to get more collagen in your diet?

Adding collagen to your diet will change the way you look and feel.

Just try it for 30 days to see the difference!

Stay Well,


The Live Well Team