Homemade Sunscreen!!

Make your own sunscreen at home!

We know that we need to wary of too much sun exposure, risking permanent and sometimes deadly skin damage.  But we also don’t want to be slathering copious amounts of sun screen that are loaded with chemicals, many that have also been shown to be linked to cancers and other ill-health effects.

So here is a homemade sunscreen, made with just a few simple ingredients, that can give you the protection you are looking for but without all the awful chemicals.  This was taken from Dr. Josh Axe’ site, a great site and resource for natural health and food ideas.


10 drops lavender
1 tbsp pomegranate oil
3/4 C coconut oil
2 tbsp Zinc Oxide
2 tbsp shea butter
Glass Jar

This recipe takes just 10 minutes to prepare.

Dr.Laura Gifford